[work life] imbalance is hurting companies' bottom lines. As Slaughter points out, companies that have progressive work-life balance policies are more productive on the whole... "Examining 130 announcements of family-friendly policies in The Wall Street Journal, Arthur found that the announcements alone significantly improved share prices.
...At the end of the day, says Slaughter, this work-life balance debate is not just about women. It's about creating more progressive, flexible office cultures that benefit all employees and improve productivity. And that's the kind of company culture that attracts — and retains — the very best employees.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/executive-style/management/time-to-stop-hurting-familie...
The article goes on to prescribe 4 ways business can offer flexibility: flex time, telecommuniting, job sharing and paid maternity leave. It will be interesting to see how business defines flexiblity in the workplace over the coming year particularly as the topic gets traction in the political arena closer to the 2013 federal election.
via smh.com.au